MRT 封面

搭乘台北捷運一次搞定!Take the Taipei MRT, It’s easy!Just follow these tips!

MRT 封面

Take the Taipei MRT, It’s easy!Just follow these tips!


If you are coming to Taipei, Taiwan for travel you can chose to hop on the MRT to get around our city. This article will tell you all you need to know about how to use the MRT, including how to travel with your bike or surfboard. This information will make your time exploring our city a lot more relaxing and enjoyable!


如何搭乘台北捷運一次搞懂!How To Use the Taipei MRT(Metro Taipei) 


台北捷運 Metro Taipei





► 其他台灣交通工具可以到達其他台灣縣市地區:巴士、台灣高鐵與台灣鐵路

► Other Taiwanese vehicles can reach other Taiwanese counties and citiesBus、Taiwan High Speed Rail ( THSR ) and Taiwan Railways Administration ( TRA ) 



▴ 圖片來自台北捷運官網



▴ 網友Tyntseng 在 PTT 發布了自製的「新版同心圓」版本捷運圖(圖片連結請 點此

A netizen posted a notice that the Creative MRT map is easy to understand! A netizen named tyntseng created a new MRT map with a circular design. This model makes it easy for visitors to easily reach Taipei.


台北捷運顏色區分 Metro Taipei Color Name

BR line

Brown Line 文湖線【BR】 Wenhu Line

R lineRed Line 淡水信義線【R】 Tamsui-Xinyi Line

G line

Green Line 松山新店線【G】 Songshan-Xinsian Line

O line

Orange Line 中和新蘆線【O】Zhonghe-Xinlu Line

BL Line

Blue Line 板南線【BL】 Bannan Line

桃園機場線【A】Taoyuan Airport MRT 

Light Colour Lines 淺色支線


台北捷運開放進站時段 Opne Time

  • 週六、週日、國定假日、國定假日補假日及調整放假日(補行上班日除外):06:00 至營運結束為止。
  • 政府行政機關上班日及補行上班日:10:00~16:00。



台北捷運開放自行車進出及轉車車站  Taking Bicycles on the Metro

假日自行車上捷運開放車站 Holiday Bike on MRT Open Station


自行車開放83個站上站 Bicycles open 83 stations

除下列車站外,其他車站均開放自行車進出及轉乘(Not open stations):

  • 淡水站 Danshui Station
  • 台北車站 Taipei Main Station
  • 忠孝新生站 Zhongxiao Xinsheng Station
  • 中山站 Zhongshan Station
  • 大安站 Daan Station
  • 忠孝復興站 Zhongxiao Fuxing Station
  • 南京復興站 Nanjing Fuxing Station
  • 文湖線各車站   All Station on the Wenhu Line

開放時間 Open Time 

  • 假日 Holidays:All day 全天開放
  • 平日 Weekdays:10:00~16:00


台北捷運自行車收費 Bicycle Charges

採人車合併收費,單趟不限里程,一律全票收費,攜帶自行車單程票每張收費新臺幣 80 元整,旅客請先至車站詢問處向站務人員購票,每張車票僅限 1 人攜帶 1 輛自行車使用,出站回收。
人車須一同進出車站。收費:採人車合併收費,單趟不限里程,一律全票收費,攜帶自行車單程票每張收費新臺幣 80 元整,旅客請先至車站詢問處向站務人員購票,每張車票僅限 1 人攜帶 1 輛自行車使用,出站回收。人車須一同進出車站。



帶衝浪板搭捷運 Take a surfboard with a MRT


  1. 衝浪板尾舵、絞繩等附掛物,應自行拆卸、收拾好,並保持乾淨。
  2. 避免碰觸到他人或是天花板等設備,並搭乘電梯或樓梯,禁止使用手扶梯,應搭乘列車第一節或是最後一節車廂。

Surfboards between 165 and 180cm long are admitted on the Taipei Metro during public holidays. Passengers traveling with surfboards must observe the following regulationsl:

  1. Tail rudders,foot ropes,and other protruding items must be kept clean, removed and stowed away during the journey.
  2. The Surfboards must not come into contact with other passengers, train ceilings ,or other facilities. Passengers with surfboards may only take the stairs or elevators, and not the escalators, and should travel on the first and kast carriages only.



關於台北捷運車票票券 Metro Taipei Tickets

  1. 單程車票

    • Single-Journey Tickets
      These include single-journey tickets and discount tickets for the elderly and disabled. Suitable for single trips.
  2. 旅行通行證

    • Travel Passes
      These include Taipei Metro tickets (one-day passes, 24/48/72hr Taipei Metro Passes), Taipei Fun Passes (Transportation Passes and Unlimited Passes and Classic Version).
  3. 所有通票
    All Pass Ticket是一張定期通勤票,涵蓋了大都市的幾乎所有公共交通工具。它是在著名的EasyCard上發布的。通過全票通票,您可以在台北地鐵,丹海輕軌和台北和新北市的所有公共汽車(除了公交車除外)之間隨時隨地旅行。您還可以享受30分鐘的YouBike遊樂設施,這是台北的公共自行車共享系統。

    • All Pass Ticket
      The All Pass Ticket is a periodical commuter ticket that covers nearly all public transport in Greater Taipei. It is issued on the well-known EasyCard. With the All Pass Ticket you may travel as far and as often as you like on the Taipei Metro, Danhai LRT and all buses (except buses charging by distance) in Taipei and New Taipei City. You also enjoy 30 free minutes of YouBike rides, the public bicycle sharing system in Taipei.
  4. 電子票 (EasyCard / iPASS 悠遊卡 / 一卡通儲值)

    • Electronic tickets
      (IC cards, can be topped up) These include EasyCards, iPASSes, iCASH, HappyCash. These electronic tickets can be topped up and are accepted both on public transports and for small payments.
  5. 他票類型 

    • Other ticket types
      These include single-journey tickets for cyclists, group tickets and joint tickets (including for the THSR, Taoyuan Airport MRT and Kuo-Kuang Airport Bus).




台北捷運站 Taipei MRT QA

  1. What time does the MRT start in Taipei?
    Exhibition Centers. Opening Time: The first trains leave from their respected terminal stations around 6AM. Closing Time: The last trains leave from their respected terminal stations around 12AM midnight.
  2. Can you bring bike on MRT?
    Foldable bicycles/PMDs must be folded at all times in the MRT/LRT stations, businterchanges/terminals and on trains and buses. Motorised PMDs must be switched off when brought on board trains and buses. stations and businterchanges/terminals. Instead, commuters should push or carry their folded devices.
  3. How much is MRT fare in Taipei?
    A single-journey ticket costs between NT$30 and NT$160, depending on the distance. (Getting in and out of the same station is NT$30. The fare for taking Express Train and Commuter Train is the same.) A ride from the Taipei Main Station to Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport is NT$160.
  4. Yield your seat to the elderly, the infirm, pregnant women, and passengers with children.
  5. To avoid injury, keep children’s hands clear of the doors.

► 資料來源:台北捷運 Taipei MRT

